الجمعة، 6 أغسطس 2010


... Hi everybody

?? Did you know what is Scabies

Scabies is Disease a contagious skin

Appears with a skin rash characterized by itching, severe dermatitis in

all parts of the body, especially at night. Infection occurs as a result

parasite is very small in size

And occur more than 300 million cases of scabies in the world annually

Mode of transmission

Direct contact with the patient's skin, so the spread in crowded places

The use of towels, personal items, bed linen, clothes to an infected

person Direct contact with infected animals such as cats, dogs, sheep ..1

sexual contact

There are some types of mange that have minor differences from the

usual picture of the disease, and are : 1

Scabies in children: The disease appears on the face and palm of the

hand and soles of the feet unusuallyin addition to the usual places for

the emergence of the disease

Animal scabies: and that is transmitted to man from animals such as

cats, dogs and sheep. And is characterized by the presence of very

severe itching. And do not appear on the skin gray lines high tunnels

and, Crustal scabies

?? what are the causes of Scabies


Returns scabies infection as a result of parasites or

insects called Sarkopetes Iiskibai. is very small

insects have eight legs

A minute volume of about 1 / 3 mm

in length and penetrates the skin causing itching

and scratching and are very, very worst times of

scratching at night.1




?? what are the symptoms of Scabies

Itchy skin and becoming more severe at night during sleep where the

skin becomes warm. It also increases after the shower. And usually

itching in all parts of the body, especially the trunk and limbs, and

rarely to be in the face and scalp


And scabies are diagnosed by examining the skin and the presence of

the hallmarks of the disease, which are: skin itching during the night

the distribution of the distinctive rash, infection of other family

members, the presence of fine lines Skin (tunnels). And diagnosis can be

confirmed through microscopic examination of the gray lines on the s

kin (tunnels), where the show parasites and eggs

?? what is the Treatment of Scabies

Of the compounds used to treat scabies, a benzyl benzoate

emulsion 25% in liquid form every day for three days, and Karim

Albermthren and placed once and for 14-18 hours and then wash and

repeat after a week again, as well as used vehicles and sulfur


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الاثنين، 2 أغسطس 2010


... Hi everybody

?? Did you know what is Angina

Angina is the hardening of coronary artery due to deposition of fatty

substances, and then it loses its ability to deliver blood to the heart of

this leads to stress the heart and a strong pain generators known

angina pectoris

Types of angina pectoris : 1

Stable angina pectoris
Angina, unstable

Angina changing

what are the causes of angina ?? 1

The main cause of angina is coronary atherosclerosis, which leads to

the narrowness of the artery and a decrease in the amount of blood

In addition to atherosclerosis, there are other reasons that can cause

angina, including

A- Stress

B- High blood pressure

C- Fatty meals

what are the Symptoms angina ?? 1

A- Difficulty in breathing after stress

B- Fast pulse

C- Swelling in the feet

D- Sudden pain in the chest and left shoulder, right hand or shoulders

and may extend to the arm and fingers


A- Refrain from eating fatty foods

B- Weight loss

C- Refrain from dealing with spirits

D- To refrain from smoking

E- Avoid fatigue and exhaustion

F- Reduce blood pressure in people with high blood pressure

D- Sports Light (walking)1

what is Treatment of angina ?? 1

Seeking medical help, where the doctor in the nature of appropriate

treatment and the type of drugs. 1


A- Refrain from eating fatty foods

B- Weight Loss to the rate appropriate

C- Refrain from eating salt

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... Hi everybody

?? Did you know what is Crohn

Crohn is an inflammatory disease affects the digestive tube

This disease is characterize by ulcerations on all layers of the intestinal

walls Unlike similar diseases that affect the surface layer only

?? what are the causes of Crohn

Cause of the disease is still unknown

But some scientists say that there are some factors that may cause the


A- factor Nutrition

factor Bacterial

factor smoking

factor Immune

factor Genetic

?? what are the symptoms of Crohn

Crohn's disease symptoms vary from one person to another and from

one age to another, according to place of infection and disease activity,

and these manifestations may be gastrointestinal or non-digestive, and

gastrointestinal symptoms include the following:

A- Abdominal pain

B- Diarrhea

C- Lack appetite

D- Flatulence

E- Cracks and anal fistula

F- Haemorrhage at checkout

G- Intestinal obstruction sometimes

The non-digestive symptoms

A- Fatigue, fever

B- Underweight

C- Castles in the mouth or anus or the genitals

D- Growth retardation in children

E- Articular pain

F- Skin manifestations

G- Stones in the kidney and gall bladder

H- Liver problems

The Crohn's disease is not cured only rarely, which comes in the form of

attacks separated by periods of sleep may be long or short

what is treatment of Crohn ?? 1

In general there are three types of treatment : 1

Drug therapy, and diet therapy, and surgical treatment

Drug treatment: that by taking drugs prescribed by your doctor

according to your place of injury and disease activity

Diet treatment: eating a diet rich in calories and protein and stay

away from fatty foodstuffs because it is difficult to digest, and eat a

few fibers .1

It remains early diagnosis of the first ways to treat Crohn's disease

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الأحد، 1 أغسطس 2010


... Hi erverybody

?? Did you know what is atherosclerosis

Hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis is a medical term given to

case of the accumulation of fatty substances gathered along the walls

of the arteries and the deposition of these fats cause narrowing

the artery wall

And, could affect hardening of the arteries of any part of the body, and

be his most dangerous when they block the arteries of the heart or the

arteries supplying the brain

Atherosclerosis of the common problems that can affect any person at

aging , but there are
reasons and factors leading to additional

hardening of the arteries

?? what is the causes of atherosclerosis

A- High levels of cholesterol and calcium deposits in the blood, as a

result eat more fatty foods

B- High blood pressure

C- smoking

D- Tension and agitation, nervousness

E- Factors Genetic

F- Diabetes

?? what is the Symptoms of atherosclerosis

A- Pain in the shoulder and chest

B- Cramps in legs

C- Arrhythmia

D- Ear ring

E- High blood pressure

It may be accompanied by bleeding in the brain as a result of lack of access to adequate oxygen

?? What is Treatment of atherosclerosis

Treatment varies depending on where the artery hardening, the most

important medicines that

help reduce the progression of the disease : anti-platelet or certain

drugs that delay the event of

stroke or increase the fluidity of the blood or reduce the level of fat and

cholesterol in the body

In the absence of the effectiveness of these treatments should consult a

doctor for the process of to open the arteries

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