Crohn is an inflammatory disease affects the digestive tube
This disease is characterize by ulcerations on all layers of the intestinal
walls Unlike similar diseases that affect the surface layer only
Cause of the disease is still unknown
But some scientists say that there are some factors that may cause the
A- factor Nutrition
B- factor Bacterial
C- factor smoking
D- factor Immune
E- factor Genetic
Crohn's disease symptoms vary from one person to another and from
one age to another, according to place of infection and disease activity,
and these manifestations may be gastrointestinal or non-digestive, and
gastrointestinal symptoms include the following:
A- Abdominal pain
B- Diarrhea
C- Lack appetite
D- Flatulence
E- Cracks and anal fistula
F- Haemorrhage at checkout
G- Intestinal obstruction sometimes
The non-digestive symptoms
A- Fatigue, fever
B- Underweight
C- Castles in the mouth or anus or the genitals
D- Growth retardation in children
E- Articular pain
F- Skin manifestations
G- Stones in the kidney and gall bladder
H- Liver problems
The Crohn's disease is not cured only rarely, which comes in the form of
attacks separated by periods of sleep may be long or short
In general there are three types of treatment : 1
Drug therapy, and diet therapy, and surgical treatment
Drug treatment: that by taking drugs prescribed by your doctor
according to your place of injury and disease activity
Diet treatment: eating a diet rich in calories and protein and stay
away from fatty foodstuffs because it is difficult to digest, and eat a
few fibers .1
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