الجمعة، 30 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody.

?? Did you know what is Rheumatoid

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease affecting the joints and

inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissue (lining) have

causing swelling in the joints infected and high temperature and

sometimes pain

?? what are the causes of Rheumatoid

till the real cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, but attributed

by many scientists the Disease to the imbalance in the immune system

and research has shown that women are more susceptible to infection

Rheumatoid more than men

what are the symptoms of Rheumatoid ?? 1

A- Swelling of the joints and high temperature

B- Restrict the movement of joints as a result of pain caused by the

roughness of the joints

C- High body temperature, and drought, sometimes, loss of appetite

D- Disruption of form joints, especially joints of the fingers of hands

E- Scars may appear under the skin, with redness in some places of the

skin and inflammation


The disease is diagnosed through the symptoms and signs as well as

analysis and other tests including : 1

A- Clinical examination

B- Blood tests (rheumatoid factor screening and sedimentation, and

active protein C) as well as a comprehensive examination of the

components of the blood

C- X-ray and scan

D- Examine the means of joint analysis

E- Special blood tests antibody

?? what is Treatment of Rheumatoid

Apportion the drugs used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis into

two types of anti-inflammatory and anti-Romatoyd. Some of these

medicines work slowly and may sometimes take months to get the

desired interest rate must therefore be patient and not to leave during

.the first months of treatment, except in case of complications

and there are remedial steps are equally important and include

physical therapy career to stave off the hardening arthritis and

muscular atrophy. It is worth noting the critical importance of regular

follow-up by a specialist doctor to monitor the side effects of drugs

used, which were infrequent and may be dangerous. 1

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Cervical cancer

... Hi everybody

?? Did you know what is Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer Is a cancer of the uterus or cervix and is generally the

case for women who live a hard life, poor and an unbalanced diet or in

neglecting personal hygiene.1

?? what are the Causes of Cervical cancer

A- Smoking

B- Use the pill for a long time

C- The multiplicity of sexual

D- Incidence of herpes or syphilis

?? what are the Symptoms of Cervical cancer

Sense of severe pain with heavy bleeding

And women can check out cervical smears every three to five years.

And generally maintaining the sport and to reduce fat foods lead to the

prevention of cancer


A- Taking a sample from the cervix and examine the laboratory to

confirm the presence of cancerous cells or not

B- Urography

C- Imaging the colon

D- The work of a CT scan

Methods of Treatment

Surgical removal of the cervix

and sometimes the uterus

External radiation therapy and internal cervical

Prevention Methods

A- Stop Smoking

B- Reducing the use of the pill for a long time

C- Not having sexual intercourse to avoid contracting viruses that can

destroy the cells of the cervix

D- Vaginal examination done periodically for the diagnosis of any

changes that may occur in the cervix early

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... Hi everybody




?? Did you know what is Anemia

Anemia is a common disease among the people, and is characterized by

a low level of blood cells or low hemoglobin, , result from many reasons

the most important of Nutrition and Cancer

Anemia is divided into two parts: 1

Anemia caused by lack of or defects in the production of red blood cells

Anemia caused by the decomposition of cracking or increase red blood

cells in the blood

?? what are the Causes of anemia

A- Loss of blood in an accident

B- Disease may lead to sustained bleeding

C- Obesity or Malnutrition

D- May be the hereditary disease as a result of defects in chromosome

E- Hemorrhoids that bleed

F- Uterine bleeding resulting from hormonal imbalance in some women

G- Kidney disease they are all lead to anemia



?? what are the Symptoms of anemia

A- Headache

B- Overwork

C- Shortness of breath, dizziness

D- An increase in heart rate and the rate of breathing

to compensate for the oxygen deficient for production of red blood cells



General tips for the prevention and elimination of anemia : 1

interest in addressing the iron-rich foods: there is iron in the green l

eaves of vegetables, red meat, liver, fish and dried fruits

attention to take folic acid: Vitamin B is available with various types

including folic acid in brewer's yeast, wheat and baked crust is removed. 1

vitamin B 12: existing in abundance in white meat, milk and

derivatives ( eggs and cheese ) 1

? Do you take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs *

These drugs and others can cause erosion of the lining of the stomach

and bleeding from them

? Do you drink alcohol *

alcohol irritation of the stomach and increases the permeability of

bleeding, it can also hinder the production of blood

? Do you have diarrhea *

Diarrhoea can impede the absorption of important nutrients such as

iron and vitamins

? Do you donate blood regularly *

Because the blood donation without compensation of iron lost can lead

to iron deficiency anemia

Pregnant women are more vulnerable to anemia



anemia caused by lack of hemoglobin

To raise the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood

Should be availability of iron, protein and vitamin (c) 1

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الخميس، 29 يوليو 2010

Brain Cancer

... Hi everybody


?? Did you know what is brain cancer

brain cancer is Division is abnormal and irregular cells

to the brain both in the brain, the cerebellum or spinal cord

compression, Which causes compression other parts

of the brain, and thus the loss sensory or weakness

?? what is Symptoms of brain cancer

A- Headache, especially that which affects the person in the morning

B- Nausea and vomiting

C- Cause convulsions

D- Weakness of some of the parties

E- Weakness of some of the senses

?? what is The causes of brain cancer

Has no reason yet known

Methods of Treatment

Surgical intervention to remove the tumor if the spot to remove the

pressure on other parts. But sometimes it is difficult to make the process

if the tumor is near the site of a vitally important role in the brain.1



:: Prevention

No methods of protection for him not knowing the causes or factors

leading to it

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Breast Cancer

... Hi everybody


?? Did you know what is Breast cancer

Breast cancer is a disease in which cells are divided into the breast

tissue and grow without being subject to natural

control systems in the body

Breast cancer is the most cancers affecting women, the leading cause of

death among women in the United States, where die every year about

180thousand cases diagnosed as breast cancer.1

?? what are the causes of Breast cancer

Completely unknown, but research is still ongoing on the following

:: factors

Growth factors : such as TGFa (conversion factors)1

and IGFs (insulin growth factors) that can be excreted

from the tumor cell itself and urges them to return to growth

As estrogen can also affect distant organs

to secrete growth factors which in turn urges the breast cells to grow

Hormonal factors : a hormone, estrogen and prolactin have a major

role in urging the breast cells to grow

Hereditary factors

??Who are the women most at risk of breast cancer

Women who are aged 40 and 85

?? What are the symptoms of breast cancer

block in the breast or under the armpit

A change in color or temperature of skin of the breast

The presence of wrinkles in the breast

unusual pain in the breast or armpit

change the direction of the nipple or nipple coup inside

unusual discharge from the nipple

A change in breast shape or size


The program of the World Health Organization to investigate the

breast cancer has doubled from

The possibility of early diagnosis of breast cancer. And detect breast

cancer early

before the growth is large or spread and transmission to other parts of

the body is essential

:: There are three main ways to detect breast cancer

A- Mammography radiologically using X-ray
to get a picture of the


B- Breast examination by a doctor or nurse assessor

C- Self-examination of the breasts

?? what is Treatment of Breast cancer

A variety of treatment of breast cancer, including surgery

chemotherapy, hormonal therapy

treatment antibodies monoclonal and radiation therapy.1

Support these

processors to recover from breast disease or limit its spread and

mitigate its symptoms

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... Hi evrybody

?? Did you know what is Cancer


Cancer imbalance in the cells of the body, so that

grow tissue in the body abnormally and become

the cell smultiply without need of the body to do

so this multiplication leads to the emergence

of tumors





Whether there is a genetic defect or not, there are known to cause

: cancer and is divided into three sections

Carcinogenic particles : such as radioactive isotopes, UV and some

mineral fiber

Carcinogenic chemicals : such as the Benzopyrene found in cigarette

smoke, and the vinyl chloride used in plastic industries where particles

are linked with DNA, causing the imbalance.1

Biological carcinogens : such as viruses or bacteria which cause an

imbalance in the cell to turn into a cancer cell

:: Cancer passes through the growth in three main phases

begining : This is the first step towards the formation of tumor begins

at the level where the cell by simple changes in their work and how to

control this work materials that are causing so-called carcinogens

Evolution: the tumor is composed by one cell and have success in

growth and division at the expense of other cells

Clinical tumor: here is a large tumor size, if not treated will continue to

grow and destroy adjacent tissues and may spread to distant organs

Types Of turoms

Benign (not cancerous): to be packed membrane and non-dispersible

and may cause problems for a member injured or members near them

which prevents it from working normally. These tumors can be

removed surgically or treated with drugs or X to minimize the size

Malignant (cancerous): tumors are cancerous

cells attack and destroy the surrounding tissue and have a high

potential for spreading. and spreading in three ways

A- Spread directly to the tissue and organs surrounding the injured


B- By the lymphatic system

C- By blood

Some types of cancer :1

brain tumors
Oral Cancer
throat cancer
Lung Cancer
Breast Cancer
Stomach cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Liver Cancer
colorectal cancer
cancer, urinary bladder and ureter
Ovarian Cancer
Endometrial cancer
Cervical Cancer
Testicular cancer
Hodgkin's lymphoma
tumors of bone
Skin Cancer

?? what is Symptoms of cancer

A- Substantial shortfall in body weight in a short period

B- Change in the habits of defecation or urination

C- Difficulty in swallowing or indigestion conversation

D- Runny or abnormal bleeding from the barrel of the body

E- Mass or thickening anywhere in the body

especially the breast in women

F- Hoarseness or cough annoying does not respond to treatment

especially if accompanied by puffs of blood

G- Ulceration does not respond to treatment within 20 days

H- sweats profuse and unnatural

?? what is Treatment of cancer

Essential treatment for cancer are :

A- Surgery
B- chemotherapy
C- X-ray treatments
D- hormonal treatments
E- antibiotics such as Avastin

And treating cancer through medical meetings

Treatment may take months, but this depends on the response of the

patient's body with treatment

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... Hi everybody






?? Did you know what is Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a hereditary disease prevents blood from clotting or

coagulation and is difficult to control bleeding blood ,This disease

affects men and very rarely women

?? what are the causes of Hemophilia

The disease Hemophilia is a hereditary disease, and this means that

there are genes do not function normally is caused by the disease. 1

like any health hereditary problem

hemophilia can be passed from one generation to another

in all cases the genes are responsible for about transmission of from

mother hemophilia to their children during pregnancy



?? what are the symptoms of Hemophilia

The symptoms of severe hemophilia usually

in the first year of the life of an infected person, often as soon as

the child begins the movement. The bleeding usually occurs

in the joints and may cause illness if not

addressed to the pain and disability



?? what are treatment of hemophilia

The best therapy for patients hemophilia is genes therapy is under

doctor's care, can avoid the transit of genetic

disease by conducting tests before marriage or pregnancy

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