الخميس، 1 يوليو 2010

(Tuberculosis (Tb

... Hi everybody

?? Did you know what is Tuberculosis /Tb

Tuberculosis (TB) .. is a contagious disease caused by bacteria known

as fungal bacterium tuberculosis, the disease affects primarily

the lungs, but it may also effect any other member of the body

?? what are the causes of TB

A- do not receive the vaccine (BCG) TB

B- Use of tools that were previously used by the patient

C- Malnutrition : which causes a decline in the number

of white blood cells

Remark : This disease is an infectious disease

?? what are Symptoms of TB

A- general weakness

B- low weight

C- heat and sweating during the night

and also
Pain in the chest - sometimes accompanied by bloody sputum

?? what is treatment of TB

When the discovery of active cases of tuberculosis (with MRSA in

sputum) are starting therapy should be based on anti-TB drugs

is given in a certain way and specific doses. The period of treatment

lastsf rom 6 to 9 months. Drugs used to treat tuberculosis

must be specified by your doctor

It should be noted that there is a vaccine for this disease to help

prevent, is the first vaccine given to children after birth

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