الجمعة، 16 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody



?? Did you know what is Roseola

Roseola Is a viral infection that affects children. And be more

widespread than the age of 6 months and up to the age of two years

And caused by the type of virus called (Human Herpes Virus)1

The incubation period

Which is the period between infection and the emergence of symptoms

of the disease. And between 70-10 days after infection with the virus

that causes the disease

Mode of transmission

Are infected by droplets from the nose and mouth of the infected child.1


?? what is Symptoms of roseola

:: A- Temperature =

The disease usually begins suddenly a rise in temperature to reach

quickly to 39.5 - 40 degrees Celsius. And the temperature remains

elevated for up to 3-4 days without the appearance of any clear reason

for this heat. Then return to the normal average temperature with the

appearance of skin rash at the same time.1

:: B- rash

The advantage of being pink, and begins to appear in the fourth day

with a low temperature to normal. And begins in the chest area and

then spread rapidly to cover the parties, neck and face. And is often

much lower in the face. And then quickly disappears within 24 hours

So is the appearance of the rash is a good sign as it indicates that all

symptoms will end completely in just 24 hours

?? what is Complications of roseola

Since the beginning of the disease is very high and sudden temperature

so the child is exposed to a heat cramps. We have found that the

proportion of heat cramps that occur with fever Rose of 10-15%. And

the symptoms of heat cramps:1

A- Loss of consciousness (coma)1

B- Convulsions parties and the face for 2-3 minutes

C- Loss of control over urination and defecation


?? what is Treatment of roseola

Fever may be treated by using only pink fever reducers done with cold

compresses to the child. And do not use antibiotics in the treatment as

the cause of the disease virus and not bacteria, there is no role for

antibiotics. And must be drawn to give the child more fluids

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