الخميس، 29 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody






?? Did you know what is Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a hereditary disease prevents blood from clotting or

coagulation and is difficult to control bleeding blood ,This disease

affects men and very rarely women

?? what are the causes of Hemophilia

The disease Hemophilia is a hereditary disease, and this means that

there are genes do not function normally is caused by the disease. 1

like any health hereditary problem

hemophilia can be passed from one generation to another

in all cases the genes are responsible for about transmission of from

mother hemophilia to their children during pregnancy



?? what are the symptoms of Hemophilia

The symptoms of severe hemophilia usually

in the first year of the life of an infected person, often as soon as

the child begins the movement. The bleeding usually occurs

in the joints and may cause illness if not

addressed to the pain and disability



?? what are treatment of hemophilia

The best therapy for patients hemophilia is genes therapy is under

doctor's care, can avoid the transit of genetic

disease by conducting tests before marriage or pregnancy

?? Was this information helpful

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