الخميس، 29 يوليو 2010


... Hi evrybody

?? Did you know what is Cancer


Cancer imbalance in the cells of the body, so that

grow tissue in the body abnormally and become

the cell smultiply without need of the body to do

so this multiplication leads to the emergence

of tumors





Whether there is a genetic defect or not, there are known to cause

: cancer and is divided into three sections

Carcinogenic particles : such as radioactive isotopes, UV and some

mineral fiber

Carcinogenic chemicals : such as the Benzopyrene found in cigarette

smoke, and the vinyl chloride used in plastic industries where particles

are linked with DNA, causing the imbalance.1

Biological carcinogens : such as viruses or bacteria which cause an

imbalance in the cell to turn into a cancer cell

:: Cancer passes through the growth in three main phases

begining : This is the first step towards the formation of tumor begins

at the level where the cell by simple changes in their work and how to

control this work materials that are causing so-called carcinogens

Evolution: the tumor is composed by one cell and have success in

growth and division at the expense of other cells

Clinical tumor: here is a large tumor size, if not treated will continue to

grow and destroy adjacent tissues and may spread to distant organs

Types Of turoms

Benign (not cancerous): to be packed membrane and non-dispersible

and may cause problems for a member injured or members near them

which prevents it from working normally. These tumors can be

removed surgically or treated with drugs or X to minimize the size

Malignant (cancerous): tumors are cancerous

cells attack and destroy the surrounding tissue and have a high

potential for spreading. and spreading in three ways

A- Spread directly to the tissue and organs surrounding the injured


B- By the lymphatic system

C- By blood

Some types of cancer :1

brain tumors
Oral Cancer
throat cancer
Lung Cancer
Breast Cancer
Stomach cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Liver Cancer
colorectal cancer
cancer, urinary bladder and ureter
Ovarian Cancer
Endometrial cancer
Cervical Cancer
Testicular cancer
Hodgkin's lymphoma
tumors of bone
Skin Cancer

?? what is Symptoms of cancer

A- Substantial shortfall in body weight in a short period

B- Change in the habits of defecation or urination

C- Difficulty in swallowing or indigestion conversation

D- Runny or abnormal bleeding from the barrel of the body

E- Mass or thickening anywhere in the body

especially the breast in women

F- Hoarseness or cough annoying does not respond to treatment

especially if accompanied by puffs of blood

G- Ulceration does not respond to treatment within 20 days

H- sweats profuse and unnatural

?? what is Treatment of cancer

Essential treatment for cancer are :

A- Surgery
B- chemotherapy
C- X-ray treatments
D- hormonal treatments
E- antibiotics such as Avastin

And treating cancer through medical meetings

Treatment may take months, but this depends on the response of the

patient's body with treatment

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