الجمعة، 16 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody



?? Did you know what is Osteomalacia

Osteomalacia is a disease of children because of a defect in the

composition of bone minerals during the growth phase, and as a result

bones become fragile, easily broken

?? what is Causes of osteomalacia


:: Causes of the disease

There are multiple reasons for this disease the most important and

most common vitamin deficiency (d) 1

The main reason for the lack of vitamin (d) is Lack of exposure to the

sun in addition to the lack of eating foods that contain this vitamin

Foodstuffs which are available on vitamin D are milk and dairy

products like cheese, cream and butter and there is also in eggs and

fish oil, liver, and other various foods

?? what is Symptoms of osteomalecia

Cape: looseness in the vicinity of joints of the skull

Sadr: The Emergence of protrusions in the form of beads on the edge of

the ribs

Spine: the spine may be exposed to the side or front bows abnormally

Basin: delayed growth of the pelvic bones with a variety of distortions

Parties: enlarged ends of the bones of the Parties on the wrist and ankle

with and there are bows in the long bones of the Parties to the upper

and lower

Muscle: This causes the disease to growth retardation and muscle

weakness leads to muscle growth retardation

?? what is Treatment of osteomalacia

In cases of vitamin a deficiency (d) due to lack of nutrition or lack of

sun exposure is treatment of the disease to compensate for vitamin by

mouth for several weeks under the supervision of a doctor

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