الجمعة، 30 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody




?? Did you know what is Anemia

Anemia is a common disease among the people, and is characterized by

a low level of blood cells or low hemoglobin, , result from many reasons

the most important of Nutrition and Cancer

Anemia is divided into two parts: 1

Anemia caused by lack of or defects in the production of red blood cells

Anemia caused by the decomposition of cracking or increase red blood

cells in the blood

?? what are the Causes of anemia

A- Loss of blood in an accident

B- Disease may lead to sustained bleeding

C- Obesity or Malnutrition

D- May be the hereditary disease as a result of defects in chromosome

E- Hemorrhoids that bleed

F- Uterine bleeding resulting from hormonal imbalance in some women

G- Kidney disease they are all lead to anemia



?? what are the Symptoms of anemia

A- Headache

B- Overwork

C- Shortness of breath, dizziness

D- An increase in heart rate and the rate of breathing

to compensate for the oxygen deficient for production of red blood cells



General tips for the prevention and elimination of anemia : 1

interest in addressing the iron-rich foods: there is iron in the green l

eaves of vegetables, red meat, liver, fish and dried fruits

attention to take folic acid: Vitamin B is available with various types

including folic acid in brewer's yeast, wheat and baked crust is removed. 1

vitamin B 12: existing in abundance in white meat, milk and

derivatives ( eggs and cheese ) 1

? Do you take aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs *

These drugs and others can cause erosion of the lining of the stomach

and bleeding from them

? Do you drink alcohol *

alcohol irritation of the stomach and increases the permeability of

bleeding, it can also hinder the production of blood

? Do you have diarrhea *

Diarrhoea can impede the absorption of important nutrients such as

iron and vitamins

? Do you donate blood regularly *

Because the blood donation without compensation of iron lost can lead

to iron deficiency anemia

Pregnant women are more vulnerable to anemia



anemia caused by lack of hemoglobin

To raise the proportion of hemoglobin in the blood

Should be availability of iron, protein and vitamin (c) 1

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