الجمعة، 16 يوليو 2010


... Hi everbody


?? Did you know what is Herpes

Herpes is a disease characterized by a very severe ulcerations

very red grow and multiply rapidly

And caused by a virus called (herpes hominis)1




Spreading Infection is usually a result of contact between one person

and another either through kissing or sex

?? what is types of herpes

:: To herpes two types

Herpes, which infects the upper part of the body and often the lips and

mouth area and is caused by virus ( HSV1 ) 1

Herpes,which affects the lower part of the body and often the genital

area or anus, and is caused by virus ( HSV2 )1

The most prominent factors that lead to the emergence of the disease

severe friction of the skin, sexual intercourse, menstrual cycle

emotional, heat diseases such as influenza or pneumonia.1

?? what is Symptoms of herpes


Symptoms vary according to location of injury, age and sex. In general

the patient's symptoms start feeling a tingling or burning or itching

redness,and the emergence of small Tallil grouped. Then the blisters

burst and lead to painful blisters when friction. After about a week or

more Pimples disappear but it does not disappear entirely, but appear

again In the same places


?? whta is Complications of herpes

A- Red rash

B- dermatitis, which get deployed in patients with atopic eczema or

atopic dermatitis, fatty or some other skin diseases

C- Herpes virus eye injury

D- The spread of herpes in patients with HIV

?? what is Treatment of herpes

You should check with your dermatologist, who can diagnose the

disease or clinical examination, laboratory work required. As for the t

reatment, there is no definitive cure for this disease.1

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