السبت، 3 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody





?? Did you know what is Diabetes -

Diabetes is .. a rise in blood sugar, which is a chronic diseases

resulting from partial lack of the hormone insulin

?? But, what is the hormone insulin -

which is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to help

the blood sugar to enter body cells where converted

into energy that helps the body movement

?? What are the causes of diabetes

A- Obesity

B- Genetic factors

C- Lack of exercise

D- Increased psychological pressure

E- Organic diseases affecting the pancreas

30minute walk every day protect you from the most serious diseases

?? What are the types of diabetes

There are two basic types of diabetes

:: Type I

Formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes on or ( IDDM ) of this

type occurs as a result of the inability of the pancreas produce insulin

needed to regulate metabolism of blood sugar. This type is more

common in children and young people

:: Type II

Formerly known as non-certified diabetes or insulin ( NIDDM ) occurs

due to this type of cells in response to the effectiveness of insulin

produced by the pancreas. is the most common type and

represents about 90% of cases of diabetes in the world

?? What are the symptoms of the Diabetes

A- Fatigue

B- frequent urination With thirst

C- Slow-healing wounds

?? what is treatment of Diabetes

How to treat diabetics : 1

There are three key factors in dealing with diabetes : 1

A- Diet

B- System Sports

C- Medical system

:: Diet

Diet is the first step and essential to control blood sugar. To take

advantage of this system must follow the instructions below

Regularity in meals on schedule so that they are three or more meals

distributed throughout the day

Avoid eating large amounts of food in the same time

Must be equal food intake - in terms of content of nutrients and energy

almost every day

Avoid foods such as concentrated sugar juice, chocolate, sweet, jam

molasses, candy, donuts ......1

Food must be diverse and integrated, which means it contains c

arbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals

:: The rules of sports

The system sports such as insulin effect on blood sugar, as regular

exercise helps reduce blood sugar, and the exercise helps to get rid of

excess weight, stimulate blood circulation and strengthens the heart

muscle and help to decrease the proportion of fat in the blood

Preferred choice of exercise that are appropriate and non-expensive

and stressful, so you need to muscular effort and dynamic medium

where they move all the muscles in the body, such as walking, jogging

and swimming. Plan a weekly program of physical exercise (3-4) times

per week for half an hour each time

When you do an unusual muscular effort must be patient intake of

extra food or reducing the dose of insulin to avoid low blood sugar that

occurs as a result of excessive muscular effort

:: Medical system

If not brought under control high blood sugar through diet as well as

motor activity and remove excess weight, then we must resort to

medicine, whether in the form of tablets or injecting insulin

A - treatment with medications taken by mouth are of two types

Medications that help to incite the pancreas to secrete insulin

Medications that help to incorporate the sugar into cells of the body

B- treatment by insulin injection

There are four types of insulin, classified according to the speed

effectiveness and duration of impact, and each type of uses in

accordance with the condition of the injured and need of insulin: 1

Fast-acting insulin: This type effect after the start of half an hour, and

have the maximum effect after 2-3 hours, and ends its effect after about

6 hours. This type often used for treatment in hospitals

Average effect of insulin: two hours after the start of the effect of i

njections and have the maximum effect after 4-6 hours, and the

duration of its effects, ranging from 12-18 hours

Mixed with Insulin: It is a combination of rapid insulin and insulin

average effect

Long-acting insulin: effect starts after about 4 hours of injection, and

have maximum impact after about 8-12 hours, and duration of effect

ranging between 16-24 hours

Although diabetes is dangerous and poses a real threat to the health of

a patient, but consciously interact with this disease and to follow all

the instructions and guidance specialist doctor to avoid patient evils

and horrors of complications of the devastating health, it is important

to note the need to deal seriously with the symptoms of this disease

before the discovery of HIV it, so should people who have attained the

age of forty who have a genetic predisposition to infection, to periodic

checks your diabetes annually

?? Was this information helpful

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