الخميس، 15 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody


?? Did you know what is Asthma

Asthma: (sensitivity of the chest) is the difficulty in breathing occurs as

a result of the impact on the lungs material (stimuli) trigger asthma

Not only the existence of this disease on the area without the other

there are more than 726 million people living with asthma in different

parts of the world

?? What are the causes of asthma

Not been proven scientifically so far the causes of asthma are defined

but there are several factors that lead to the development of asthma

A- genetic factors

B- Environmental factors: such as dust, cold, factory smoke, cigarette

smoke, jogging, the smell of paint, animal hair and fur, feathers, dust

the trees and flowers

?? What are the symptoms of asthma

A- Cough

B- Difficulty breathing

C- Constriction in the chest

D- Increased secretion of mucus

E- Opened a widening of the nose

F- wheezing (voice reset during exhalation)1

Diagnosis of Asthma

There are many methods used by doctors in the diagnosis of

asthma The doctor examined of the patient, and know the

symptoms that occurt o him and see the history of the illness

And then doing some tests to find out the health status of the

lung Rays "x" x-ray of the chest, an image of the lung

Testing the efficiency of the lung, is a test that measures the

amount of air that comes out of the lung. This is done by blowing

into a tube placed between the lips, are measuring

the breath that comes out of the lung Another test measures the

speed of the air out of the lungs exhale There are various other

tests such as allergy tests, and a blood test

treatment of Asthma

There are two types of treatments for asthma


These types of medications to relax the muscles and ligaments that are

pressing on the airways

Anti-inflammatory drugs

These types of medications to reduce swelling of the airways and reduce mucus

formationin them. And thus the airways less sensitive to the factors

provokingt he crisis

These drugs are dealt on a daily basis for weeks before the start of

control in the event of asthma

There is no definitive cure for asthma, but the treatment is to control

appearance of asthma

?? Was this information helpful

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