الأربعاء، 14 يوليو 2010


... Hi everybody

? Did you know what is disease Syphilis

Syphilis is a venereal disease is contagious and

chronic Affects of all parts of the body and causing

microbe Treponema pallidum

The infection spreads in most cases through direct

sexual contact between the patient and proper in a

few cases of infection may occur using certain tools

or the little patient toilets and that the mother is

infected with this disease can transmit to the fetus

through the umbilical cord

?? what is Types of syphilis

Types of syphilis a

A- Disease Aleaoz YAWS

B- Disease Pinta PINTA

C-Disease beagles BEJEL

? what is symptoms of syphilis

When men : The first symptoms of syphilis may be the appearance

of ulcers in the penis

when Ladies : The first symptoms of syphilis may

be the appearance of sores around or inside the vagina

May not notice such ulcers because it is not painful and disappear

these ulcers after 3-6 weeks

If not treated syphilis at an early stage will spread bacteria in the

blood, upon the arrival of bacteria to blood, this means prevalence that

many diseases dangerous

- One of the most common symptoms of skin rash, which appears next

on the ulcers of about two weeks to two months and have enough in the

hands and soles of the feet

And other symptoms of syphilis

fever and high temperature, sore throat

..:: Treatment ::..

Treated syphilis with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor

depending on the degree of illness

?? Was this information helpful

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